AromaTouch Kit and eight reasons why you need it

If you like massages, have a mood disorder like anxiety or just simply want the essentials without a diffuser then the AromaTouch Kit is a MUST and heres why:

Includes 8 x 15ml bottles including doTERRA Balance Grounding Blend, Lavender, Tea Tree, On Guard Protective Blend, AromaTouch, Ice Blue (5ml), Wild Orange, Peppermint and a 115ml bottle of Fractionated Coconut Oil

🍊Wild Orange: Energising, purifying, supports healthy immune function, detoxifying, no-tox cleaner, delicious in salad dressings.

💆‍♀️ AromaTouch: Massage blend, relaxing and comforting.

🌿 Peppermint: Cools body temperature, energising, settles upset tummy.

💜 Lavender : Calming to the nervous system, soothes irritated skin, promotes deep restful sleep.

🌱 Tea Tree: Great for bites and stings, blemishes and can be used as an insect repellant and no-tox cleaner.

🏋️‍♂️Ice Blue: Apply topically for muscle and joint pain.

🙅‍♀️OnGuard: Protective blend – wards off bacteria, protects the immune system, kills mould and loads the body with antioxidants.

💚 Balance: Grounding, promotes tranquility and relaxation, balances emotions.


Grab your AromaTouch Kit here.

My top tips for anxiety

Every second person I talk to tells me they experience anxiety. What if we lived in a world where we didn’t feel fear, or experience feelings of anxiousness? These same people are looking for natural options to support this sometimes debilitating experience.

Now it’s a no brainer and any simple google search will suggest things like stillness, meditation, and movement will help – and they absolutely will! But we know that anxiety can strike anywhere & is healthy to have a variety of tools in your wellness toolkit. Insert essential oils 🙏🏻

When we inhale Essential Oils they have the power to effect how we feel. Say whaaaa? Yep! When we inhale them through our nose they pass through our smell receptors which are directly linked to the brains limbic system and hypothalamus. These are responsible for things like memory and our bodies physiological responses.

Oils like lavender, wild orange, frankincense help support the body to ease feelings or anxiousness and stress. Oils like doTERRA balance and peace are full of earthy tones that support us to feel more centered and grounded and less up in our heads. Console is the comforting blend for those really challenging emotional times.


My top tips for anxiety:
Aromatically dress in oils that provide calming & grounding support each morning (my fav go-to is balance and wild orange or peace mixed with fractionated coconut oil)

Roll some frankincense and copaiba (or pop a drop under the tongue daily) on pulse points throughout the day

Inhale one or a combo of your choice when you experience feelings of anxiety with some deep long slow breaths

Inhaling essential oils can be done a few ways! If you have a diffuser, great – if not, never fear…

1. Grab a glass spray bottle (30 or 50ml will do), pop about 20 drops in and fill with water. Shake before each use and mist over your face.

2. If you are on the run, simply pop 1 drop in your hand then run your hands together and cup under your nose – take some deep breaths! Run your hands over the side of your face or in your hair afterwards.

3. Heck sometimes I even just open the cap and sniff the bottle 😉

Using oils doesn’t have to be fancy or hard!! Head to and click ‘Join and Save’ to get your starter kit or jump over to my info page and follow the prompts. I recommend the AromaTouch

Moon time blends for PMS

Leading up to this beautiful full moon on wednesday we will see many of us hit our own personal moon cycle.

I already had one message yesterday asking for HELP with pre-menstrual headaches!


PastTense: headache relief blend! Roll along sides of your neck & across your shoulders to relieve tesion. Frankincense, Lavender & Peppermint is great alternative (and bonus Pepp helps with the hot lady flushes!!)!

Balance: well duh, to B-A-L-A-N-C-E!! Inhale regularly & literally bathe in it during your cycle 😉*hint: add a little wild orange or bergamot for extra calm for your farm!

ClaryCalm: this little roller will save. your. life.!! Suitable for relieving PMS symptoms, hot flushes, bloating, cramping & discomfort. Menstruating – tick. Menopausal – tick. Helps to re-balance the hormones to reduce your levels of crazy biatch 🤣

Ice Blue Roller (Deep Blue): relieves aches, pain, tension! One simple swipe across the lower back or adbominals 👌🏻

DigestZen: our ‘tummy tamer’ because who needs to not fit into your fav pair of jeans just cos your hormonal! Eases tummy discomfort like bloating, cramping & nausea (also handy after that second block of chocolate) 🙈

Clary Sage: my fav hormonal harmonizer! Inhale, apply, drown yourself (in fact DO add to a bath!). I love to massage a couple drops over my belly (with coconut oil) when I am feel really yukky and all the uncomfortableness just disapates! *not to be used during pregnancy.

If you need a little hormone harmonizing head to my essential oil information page and follow the prompts! Check out my custom kits too incase nothing tickles your fancy.

How to make hand-made personalised gifts for under $5!

Now it is coming up to that time of year … yep babies, birthdays, xmas parties, you name it! SO I am going to share with you some simple options for making some divine handmade gifts that are cheap as chips!

These are all beautiful, low-cost, high-value and thoughtful pressies.

Personally, I am not a big fan of a million gifts and if I had my way we probably wouldn’t have any BUT one of my love languages is the gift of giving after all!

This year I will be creating hand made personalised gifts for all my loved ones that comes from the heart, made with care, thats great for mother nature and is also tox-free!

As I continue to strengthen my use of certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils, I have been creating some really beautiful presents that our friends and family love for a while now and I know that yours will too!!

Before you get started you’ll need some glass rollers, sprays or jars. You can get these online from sites like Pack My ProductAromaTools Australia or Diffusional You can even get products from eBay, your local health food store or kmart for glass jars (erm, or even your kitchen drawers!).

1. Magnesium Detox Bath Salts with lavender flowers

Grab yourself a glass jar from kmart or reuse one from the kitchen (give it a good wash first). You want to add 4-6 drops of Essential Oil per 1 cup of salt.

The below recipe makes 1 cup so I suggest that you batch make for a few gifts.

  • 1 cup Epsom Salts (mix with Himalayan salts for extra luxe bath salts)
  • 2 drops of Frankincense essential oil
  • 2 drops of Lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops of Wild Orange or Grapefruit essential oil
  • 1 tbs dried flowers (Please use organic – you can usually get these from your local health food or wholefoods store)

Use 1/4 cup for each relaxing bath soak.

Why glass and not plastic?

The plastic can damage the integrity of essential oils  so we don’t want to damage the properties and goodness of each gift!

2. Chakra Face and Body Mist

I get a 50ml spray bottle and then fill nearly to the top with filtered water (no chemical/treated water ploise).

Add up to 10 drops of pure, therapeutic grade essential oil to the bottle based on the oils that are aligned with the energy chakras of the body.

I tend to check the chakra chart and then see what I have in my ‘oils kitbag’ and blend a balanced face and body mist that supports the energy in that chakra. Whether to harness positive energy, or release that which does not serve me.

If chakra’s aren’t your thang then you can simply make a goddess face & body mist based on oils you choose, oils that will support the energy you want to harness or to relieve a particular issue.

Make sure you shake well before use. You now have a personally supportive, therapeutic and organic face and body mist for either yourself (‘cos whenever I make gifts I tend to make one for me too) or for a loved one.

Download your PDF version of a chakra chart here.

3. Pure-fume Roller

Grab yourself some 5ml or 10ml rollers. I love the little 5ml rollers from Diffusional with gold lids for gifts.

Add 5 drops of Essential Oil for adults and top with fractionated coconut oil.

My personal favourites are:

  • doTERRA Whisper & Grapefruit
  • doTERRA Passion
  • Balance & Wild Orange
  • Bergamot, Frankincense & Ylang Ylang
  • Bergamot, Frankincense & Lime

4. Marvin Gaye Romance Oil (sexy blend!)

This one is from Alice Nicholls over at The Whole Daily. Did you know that there are essential oils that are good for increasing the libido? Yep. Oils for S E X!

These oils include ylang ylang, clary sage, patchouli geranium and cinnamon.

You need a 10ml amber or glass rollerball. Add the following:

  • 2 drops of cinnamon oil
  • 2 drops of ylang ylang oil
  • 2 drops of clary sage oil
  • 2 drops of geranium oil
  • top with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil

Apply to wrists, spine and neck on your romantic evening  to seduce your lover.

5. Goddess Lipbalm


  • 20 grams of organic beeswax (you can purchase this from your local health food store or eBay)
  • 30 grams of organic coconut oil
  • 4 drops in total of one or more essential oils for aroma (I love bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, tangerine or wild orange)


  1. Take a bowl and melt the wax. Wax should be melted on steam (do not use microwave as it is dangerous).
  2. Mix melted hot wax very well and add base oil (it can be one type of oil or even mix of base oils).
  3. Mix everything again and take bowl off the steam.
  4. Add drops of essential oil/s.
  5. Immediately spread balm into jars or tins. 

6. Anti-Ageing and Skin Smoothing Face (and body) Oil

I love to use either organic Rosehip or Jojoba oil when creating any kind of face oil but you can choose whatever carrier oil you fancy.

You might even like to add some crystals or organic rose petals.

For each 50ml of carrier oil, I use 20 drops of pure essential oil.

Anti-ageing oils and skin smoothing oils I use are:

  • Lavender
  • Geranium
  • Frankincense
  • Cedarwood
  • Manuka
  • Siberian Fir

Simply fill your 50ml dropper bottle nearly to the top with your carrier oil of choice. Add your essential oils i.e. 10 drops Lavender and 10 drops Frankincense. Apply morning and night after cleansing – bonus great for bumps, bruises, cuts, scars etc.

7. Himalayan Body Scrub

You’ll need some glass jars and again I would batch make for a few gifts.


  • 1 cup organic coconut oil
  • 1 cup Pink Himalayan salts (or you can use organic raw sugar)
  • ¼ cup Fractionated Coconut Oil
  • 15 drops favorite essential oil (I love grapefruit and clary sage but you can also use Lemon for a more detoxifying scrub)


  1. Melt coconut oil in microwave or over double boiler
  2. Once melted, remove from heat
  3. Add Fractionated Coconut Oil and Pink Himalayan Salt to melted coconut oil
  4. Stir until combined
  5. Add essential oil
  6. Let sit until coconut oil solidifies, stirring every 10 minutes
    Tip: Put in refrigerator to speed up the cooling process.
  7. Stir until well combined and store in an airtight container
  8. To use, rub on skin and rinse with warm water

8. Lavender Infused Bedtime-Teddy

If gifting a snuggle teddy to a Mama or Bub why not gift them a bottle of Lavender or even make up a Lavender Room Mist.

Simply drip/spray some lavender on the teddy before bed and the child will sleep peacefully amidst the organic aroma of blissful soothing lavender.

Want a copy of my DIY Guide to Skincare and Cleaning for even MORE gift ideas? Then subscribe to my newsletter!

Don’t yet have yourself oils? The head to here and follow prompts to grab some now and be part of my oily tribe!

Images: Alice Nicholls, The Whole Daily

Life Long Vitality and why you need it in your life…

Life Long Vitality®

doTERRA Life Long Vitality program has only been available in Oz since April 3 and boy am I glad that I ordered these bad boys straight away. I’ve been taking them now for a month and have noticed such a difference – especially when I forget to take them (eeeep!). 

The first thing I noticed was an increase in my milk supply – which saved me making batches and batches of ‘boobie balls’! Then I noticed elevated mood, more energy, baby sleeping longer periods at night, clearer skin and brain fog *starting* to lift – WOW! I know what you’re thinking – where do I get me some right? Some of the reports i’m heading from people in my team are beyond ah-freakin-mazing and I cannot speak more highly of the LLV program! These are not your average ‘vitamins’ and pack SO much more punch!! 

“These supplements have enhanced my immunity, my energy and my skin is clearer. I notice when I miss them. Compared to other supplements I’ve taken the quality and impact on my health is exceptional.” – Clancy A. 

The three core products of the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Program Alpha CRS®+, xEO Mega®, Microplex VMz® are formulated to provide you with targeted levels of essential nutrients and powerful metabolic factors for optimal health, energy, and longevity.

“So I’ve been taking the Lifelong Vitality vitamins for just under a week and I can notice such a difference in clarity of thought and energy levels. Wowzers!.” – SJ. 

Our lifelong health and vitality depend on many factors including diet, physical activity, weight management, rest, stress management, exposure to toxins, and inherited genetic predisposition for disease or wellness. While some of these variables are beyond our complete control, breakthrough scientific research is revealing many ways we can influence—and even control—significant factors of aging and wellness. A long life full of vitality and healthy aging begins with providing your cells with essential nutrients and metabolic factors to help them perform optimally.

“I use them to support my muscular skeletal health due to a condition I have. I got diagnosed at 18 and have tried everything to manage the chronic pain, fatigue, headaches, brain fog, digestive issues…. – from hardcore drugs and medication to Chinese herbs and medicine. I honestly have to say that LLV has greatly enhanced my feeling of wellness. I experimented a bit and stopped taking them for periods of time and I won’t go off them again, I recommend them to everyone and I am so so grateful to have firstly found DoTerra and the oils and then LLV. I also feel they have greatly enhanced my emotional wellbeing.” – Sarah.

LLV is ONLY available to doTERRA customers with a WHOLESALE account and on the Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP). *Please note: You can only set up your LRP for the second month of your membership so if you join in May (like right NOW) these bad boys can be delivered to your door in the first week of June! Yeah baby!!

Want to know more about LLV program? Check out the media release here


Grab yourself a wholesale account by following the below instructions – OR shoot me an email/message and we can have a chat about the best way to do this! 

Head to my website

•    Click Join and Save

•    Choose the country and language that’s appropriate for you.

•    Click ‘Local.’

•    Choose Wholesale

•    Enter your personal information, including your Australian Business Number. If you don’t have an ABN, that’s okay

•    At *Enroller id*, enter my number: 4036877

•    Then click verify (it should then show you my name – Kelly Hensley)

•    Set yourself up with a password

•    Click over to the next page

•    Select what enrollment kit you’d like to order (Home Essentials Kit is the best value for money and includes ALL the oils every household should have)

•    Enter your Credit Card details and process your enrolement

•    Once your enrolement is set up it offers the option to set up the Loyalty Rewards Program. Click YES and add the Life Long Vitality Pack (you save $85 by buying the pack of 3 – hell yes!). Add your credit card details and make sure you select the date you want the order processed/shipped in June!

To blog or not to blog…

So the decision to write a ‘blog’ brought up tonnes of mean girl thoughts …. you know that little inner critic that often leaves you feeling deflated and so far from the present it isn’t funny? Some of the things she told me were…

  • who would read it?
  • would anyone even WANT to read it?
  • do you have anything of value to say?
  • your not in the right industry and won’t get noticed
  • you’ll get judged
  • people will dislike you
  • you don’t have time
  • etc, etc, etc …

So here I am, writing the damn blog! I have a few things up my sleeve in regards to topics but I plan on writing about all sorts of things around motherhood, parenting, mastering my little (or rather loud) mean girl, choosing self love, cultivating abundance, the moon and its effect on our flow, relationships, yin and yang, natural/organic goodies and all about my love of essential oils.

I am really excited and can’t wait to share more – whatever it is it will be real and honest and raw.

Now because I am SO grateful and love each and every single person who has taken the time to read this I have a gift for anyone who shares this post on their social media page/s. Make sure you tag me in it so I can see it. The winner will be drawn at random – 8pm AEDST Thursday 30th March 2017.  The lucky winner will be gifted 5ml doTERRA Lemon Essential Oil (perfect for homemade cleaning goodies) and a 10ml roller of Lavender Peace (hello restful night!).

xo TGM