DIY Tox-Free Shower Spray

Today I noticed some mould had developed overnight in the bath tub. Hidden by wet toys from the shower (thanks to Logie). No wonder, the shower cleaner spray was empty 🤦🏼‍♀️

Are you still using harsh chemicals to clean your shower? Maybe even your toilet, laundry or oven?

What if I told you that you could clean all of those areas naturally without killing your lungs…

No choking

No burning eyes

No irritated hands

Safe for the kiddies

Enter essential oils.

Powerful enough to kill mould, bacteria, viruses etc. Mama nature extracted straight into a bottle for us to use.

I whipped up a simple shower spray using:

– 500ml glass amber spray bottle

– 50-80mls detergent/castile soap

– warm water from the kettle

– 30 drops of essential oil

I chose Lemon, doTERRA OnGuard and Oregano.

+ Lemon for its powerful ability to lift the heck out of stains plus its fresh AF.

+ OnGuard and Oregano for their antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties aka mould ninja’s!!.

I spritzed the bath & will spray hourly until it’s gonnnnnnnnnne (or i’m asleep haha)!!

Ready to stop choking? Email me, promise I won’t judge.

If you want to see a video of my DIY spray & spritzing efforts jump on over to my instagram!

Why every women should have some Ylang Ylang in her purse

Ylang Ylang is widely known as a ‘sexy time’ oil but does it have other benefits beyond the bedroom…?

The answer of course is yes!

This is a must have oil in a womens personal toolkit.
Ylang Ylang has been used for centuries in perfumes, personal products and in religious ceremonies plus has a tonne of epic properties.

It even sounds sexy right?!

Ylang Ylang is an oil you can turn to when you want to feel happy, centered and relaxed. Apply to wrists or inhale straight from the bottle, perfect for complimenting any meditation or journalling practice!

You can also use it in your evening
regime to help promote healthy looking hair and skin. Either add a few drops to your shampoo, moisturizer or do yourself a favour and have regular steam facial with a drop of ylang ylang!

According to the Emotions and Essential Oils book Ylang Ylang is the oil of the inner child. Ylang Ylang can help you bring more joy and child like play to your life (who doesn’t need some of that?!). It can also be used to support you emotionally when moving through any trauma, especially from your childhood. It helps emotions to flow naturally through the body & supports the heart.

Pass me a bottle….. ploise!!

Growing, picking and distilling Ylang Ylang is a pretty long and laborious process. Really? Yup really!

doTERRA source Ylang Ylang from growers in Madagascar and it can take 3-4 years for the tree to grow and be ready for the flowers to be harvested. Then once ready, the flowers can only be harvested from December to March each year! How epic is mama nature?

Ylang Ylang blends well with Bergamot, Geranium, Wild Orange, Grapefruit, Tangerine, Lemon, Sandalwood, Majoram or Vetiver.

Head to my How to Buy page for info on how to get yourself a bottle of the most amazing smelling and most potent Ylang Ylang you’ll find on the planet.


How to make your own ‘Pure-fume Mist’

A little something to ease you into a new week! I love mixing up these mini misters for my weekly pure-fume. I find I like to use the same blend for a few days at a time and this is the perfect size.

This week I have chosen a blend of these three oils:

 Geranium – the oil of love and trust.

Ylang Ylang – the oil of the inner child.

Sandalwood – the oil of sacred devotion.


Follow your intuition when blending and have less of the heavy oils and more of the lighter floral/citrus ones. I added:

  • 1 drop Sandalwood
  • 3 drops each of Geranium and Ylang Ylang.

You might also like to add in 2 drops of a citrus oil if it feels too heavy.

Simply add a dash of witch hazel and fill with water.

Spritz over yourself as often as needed & repeat ‘I am fuc*ing amazing’

Apply as often as needed!

Want to make your own pure-fume but need some oils? Simply head on over to my How to Buy page. If you have any questions shoot me an email at

Ice Blue – oil, roller or rub?

Who gets headaches? Maybe sore muscles? Right neck/shoulders? ITB? Sore back? Then meet Mr Ice Blue! With so many options which ones better you ask? Well my friend that depends on what you want to use it for & your personal preference!

I used to be all for the touch roller. It’s pre-diluted with fractionated coconut oil and ‘ready to roll’. It meant I didn’t have to get my hands dirty and could apply on the go. Perfect for your nannas arthritis or those neck kinks while driving or at your desk. I use at my tension blend and often pop on my temples (really close to the hair line!!!!!) or behind my ears / neck. It leaves quite a cooling feeling then warms up!

The oil on the other hand would make 5-7 diluted rollers and is super economical (plus you could make your own rub)! You can drop it into some magnesium spray for restless legs, pop straight on your tight/sore muscles and rub some carrier over the top or add to an unscented creme.

The run though… this is where it’s at! Perfect for gym bags (or in my care just your regular handbag haha). It’s pretty strong & works a treat. doTERRA has done the guess work & the exact drops are in this bottle to soothe those aches, relieve any tension, reduce inflammation etc. The rub is also always a winner for the fellas!! 😉

Think of Ice Blue as your all natural and organic dencorub!

Each of these contain the same essential oils, specially blended together to work some serious magic: wintergreen, camphor, peppermint, blue tansy, blue chamomile, helichrysm, ylang ylang and osmanthus.

Put your hand up if you need some Ice Blue in your life 🙋🏼‍♀️

Get yours here!

P.S. Ice Blue is known as ‘Deep Blue’ in the U.S and across the web and it’s generic name is the Athletic or Soothing Blend!

My number 1 self care tool that I use when I am feeling stressed

Are you noticing a little trend on stress this week? That’s cos its something I too have been feeling lately. One thing I am truly grateful is my essential oils and their power to help support both my physical and mental health.

You know those mornings where you spill your coffee then you go on to run constant red lights, trip over going up the stairs, forget your lunch and then have a fight with your boss. If only you had of caught your mood and mindset back at that first spilt coffee you could have avoided all the rest! Yep, no shit.

The power of the mind can cause waves (and I mean tidal waves…)

When we feel good we usually get a tonne of shit done, bounce around from A to B and maintain our mood despite what gets thrown our way. Like literally nothing could impact us and you feel invisible or even a tad bulletproof…

However when we don’t feel so good it can easily spiral down and go on for the day (or even multiple days) and can have a massive flow on effect.

These not so good feelings can impact our quality of life, and even alter how our body feels and functions. Say whaaaat?

Did you know that people in ancient civilizations used essential oils, plants, and other plant materials for things like cooking, bathing, promoting healthy skin not to mention managing their moods and emotions. They were (and often still are) used during burials, rituals, and religious ceremonies. Yep! Apparently Babylonians and Assyrians would burn Frankincense during religious ceremonies and in ancient Rome, soldiers would use Fennel before going into battle to help make them feel strong and brave. Crazy eh? Well it’s not really crazy because I know first hand how damn effective oils can be.

There’s now a huge body of research about how safe and effective essential oils really can be when it comes to managing our mood and promoting those feel good feelings. There’s something to be said about going to a day spa right – you know the ambient music, soft lighting and calming aroma?

So why do essential oils ‘work’?

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Which essential oils would I start with?

Essentials Oil will work different on each person so often it can be a little bit of trial and error. I often find I am drawn to particular oils which resonate with how I am feeling in that moment. Generally though there are certain oils that are known to provide calming, soothing or grounding effects and these can be use individually or blended together depending on how you feel.

When you choose essential oils to add to your toolkit its really important firstly to purchase oils that you can know and trust. I personally only use doTERRA essential oils. There’s a few reasons I fell in love with doTERRA and you can read about that over here.

My go-to oils can change depending on the type of stress and what else is going on for me but I don’t tend to stray far from these oils below. I will usually pop a couple in the diffuser, add to a bath or mix in a roller and douse myself in them for a few days or until the feelings subside.


Bergamot is a delicious citrus oil and perfect for mixing with the heavier woody oils. Add to rollerblends, bath or simple sniff from the bottle!


The ‘oil of community’ is really supportive when you are feeling disconnected. I love to add this one to bed time sleep blends or the bath.

Clary Sage

This one would be one of my all time fav’s and I often use Clary Sage in lieu of Lavender. Divinely supportive for women especially around the cycle and for PMS. Its super calming and just brings you back to base.


This incredible oil provides support at a cellular level and helps support a healthy nervous system. Pop a drop under your tongue or apply over your jawline, base of the neck or along your spine.

doTERRA Balance

This is what I call my ‘mum go-go juice’. When you are feeling super chaotic and your head is racing a million miles per hour take 5 to just sit and breathe in this oil. 1-2 drops in the palm of your hand, close your eyes, rub your hands together and cup under your nose. Take 5 really good long deep breaths (in for a count of 4 and then out for a count of 8).

doTERRA Elevation

This bottle is powerful potent mood enhancer and is the ‘oil of joy’. Its super fresh and perfect to replace those toxic perfumes your spiriting on yourself. I love to add to my diffuser with a drop or 2 of spearmint and some extra wild orange or lemon.

doTERRA Lavender Peace

This is a staple in my home, but more so for my son. We diffuse this almost every night and is perfect for baths or body massages. A great one to diffuse after work, stressful events or before bed to soothe the mind.


This deep earthy and heavy oil seriously brings you back to planet earth. I like to sit on my couch in my office (kinda freudian style) and inhale while I close my eyes momentarily. This might be on a shitty day while my son is asleep, or late at night when sometimes the tears seem to flow and all is still. Also perfect for popping on the soles of your feet and another great one to add a drop under the tongue.

Frankie is touted as the ‘king of oils’ and is the clear quartz of the crustal kingdom so pop him in all your blends to take them to the next level.


For the longest time I hated the smell of this oil but since I became drawn to it I’ve gone totally head over heels. I love to intuitively blend up Geranium with other oils as its a perfect oil to help heal matters of the heart but is also super soothing and calming to the mind and body. Doubles as great for the skin too! Diffuse with Clary Sage and Lavender or add to an epsom salt bath with doTERRA Lavender Peace.


Lady Lav! She won me over good and proper. If you dislike the smell of Lavender, or maybe your mama used to drown you in it don’t totally write it off til you smell are unadulterated bulgarian Lavender!

This stuff is the shizz. I go through a bottle of this every 2 months. I drip on my pillow, rub on my temples and massage over my body at night with Frankincense. Every since doing this I have started to sleep better, spend less time tossing and turning and am able to switch of my mind more easily.


Funnily enough we tend to go to the calming oils when we feel down but we also need to look tothe oils that pepp us up! Spearmint is great for lifting the mood and according to the Emotions and Essential Oils  book is the ‘oil of confident speech’ (so perfect to accompany your journalling or therapy session). I love to pump up the music and add some doTERRA Elevation and Spearmint into the diffuser and shake it off. Its near to impossible to be in a bad mood when your bare foot and fancy free.

Wild Orange

Happiness in a bottle. This little bottle is so cheap and so cheerful. I love that I can add to my water, mix with chocolate and massage on my body all at the same time. One whiff of this bottle and you will be smiling in no time.

Ylang Ylang

Dr Eric Z swears by Ylang Ylang and says every woman needs this in their toolkit. You’ll regularly see this oil in personal care products or natural perfumes. Its certainly not one you need much of but is really supportive for mood management and bringing a sense of peace. Plus this doubles as a sexy time booster so fella’s if your reading this buy her four bottles :p

I could honestly list out a dozen more oils.

Some other favourites are the Emotional Aromatherapy range and Peace and Cheer are two of my most used oils. Depending on the cause of the stress Console or Forgive might be more appropriate or even Motivate! Neroli is another favourite especially for womens hormone and libido support.


I usually recommend starting with the simple staple oils that can be used widely (like Lavender, Frankincense and Wild Orange) and then building a collection slowly. If you want to chat about your situation I offer 1:1 wellness consults and we can tailor the oils to suit your needs. Book in your session here or contact

 So how the flip would I use them?

There are so many gorgeous ways to use essential oils which I why I LOVE how versatile they are. 

Desiree Mangandog, author of ‘I am Fabulous’ believes that using oils topically is just as powerful as inhaling them to help affect our moods and emotions. Each organ has a correlating emotional associated with it and using the bodies meridians we can help to un-trap any emotions stored in the body.


1. Inside elbow creases: helps to enter the lungs and heart quickly (organs associated with sadness and grief). You might experience the sensation of your chest opening and feeling mightier.

2. Inside of wrist creases: lungs, pericardium and heart channels run through wrist creases. Oils move quickly to the chest and is an easily accessible place to apply oils (one of my personal favs!).

3. Inside forearm: roll up and down inside of the forearm (both sides) to help oils circulate whole body. Best place to instantly create change change to your emotional state!!

4. Back of the neck: to help with mental clarity (quick place for oils to enter the brain – although I did notice one special blend is to be rolled across the forehead!!).

5. Over the heart: on the sternum between breasts when dealing with heartache and disappointment.

6. Around belly button: as out guy is our second brain and we store a lot of emotions here this is a special place to allly oils. Esp when relating to protection, boundaries or immune support.

7. Up/down midline of belly: apply here for self-confidence and self-worth. Belly has serotonin receptions that contribute to feelings of happiness and self-esteem. You should feel an immediate shift in your emotional state when applying here.

8. Bottoms of the feet: for calmness and grounding!


How do I purchase me some essential oils?

The cool thing about doTERRA is that you don’t purchase them off the shelf at your local supermarket and go home thinking ‘now what the fuck do I do with these?’. doTERRA is a direct selling company which means when you purchase our oils you not only get oils but you get a community, education and shit tonnes of support.

I will be your biggest cheerleader to help you go tox-free and introduce natural solutions into your home.

Don’t forget if you want to chat about your situation I offer 1:1 wellness consults and we can tailor the oils to suit your needs. Book in your session here or contact


My top 3 tips for kicking stress and preventing burn out

Once every few years (sometimes more) things feel really unmanageable. Cortisol runs through my veins and there’s a pit of never ending tummy complaints, headaches, uncontrollable weeping and often days where the desire is to not get out of bed.

I‘m an A type personality who tends to go-go-go until I fall into a heap.

I hear the niggles but ignore the warning signs. Why?

In my 10 year career in human services I have come close to burn out at least twice and I reckon I am on the verge again if I don’t shift things up. Things like self care start to skip, sleep decreases, exercise is minimal, diet goes south and working hours increase. That can only go on for so long before your body says ‘ahoy there’!

1. Know the signs

It’s so important that you know your signs. Each of us have different smoke signals that our body sends out when things are getting a little cray cray.

For me, it generally starts with my mood. I’m tired and irritated and not so pleasant to be around. But let’s face it usually other people are the first to notice rather than ourselves. Then it usually goes to my body in physical signs or symptoms. Often it’s heightened emotions and uncontrollable crying, brittle nails and dull skin… and when things are bad I start to get little cuts in the corners of my mouth.

2. Shift things up

Now we can’t all quit our jobs or spend days in bed but we can make some subtle changes to start bringing some equilibrium back. We need to make sustained changes over time and as much as I love a 3 hour pamper session at the local day spa it’s not sustainable nor does it yield long lasting benefits.

Things like sleep, meditation and self care are proven to be good for our mental health and these are what we should focus on. What’s even better is this is all totally free and you can do half of them from anywhere!

Now I am not perfect… no one is. I occasionally let my self care slip but if it goes on too long our physical and mental health pay the price.

My go-to self care tools are:

  • intuitive daily perfumes from my essential oil collection
  • yoga
  • guided meditations (abraham hicks is the bomb!)
  • epsom salt baths with essential oils
  • dancing (to really loud tunes)
  • journalling
  • session with my foam roller
  • ice blue or aroma touch massages
  • visualizations
  • take a mental health day
  • connecting with nature
  • moving my tooshie
  • cuddles with my son
  • soul chat with my hubby
  • therapy
  • a good sweat session (sauna, run, boxing etc)
  • waking chat with a bestie
  • nourishing warming meals
  • hot cup of cacao / herbal tea
  • reading

3. Ask for help

Often when we are stressed out and nearing burn out we try so hard to look like we are holding it all together. This is partly due to the stories we tell ourselves that we ‘should’ be able to cope and the way society seems to knock down the people who are already down.

With a turning of the tides it is so important we spread the word around things like anxiety, stress and mental to help others to put their hands up. It’s ok to not be ok!

‘This too shall pass’ is a mantra I often repeat and remind friends of when times get tough. Sometimes it helps just knowing that these periods do pass and is critical to being able to move through them.

But sometimes in order to move through them we need help.

Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness and can come in many forms.

It might be a friend coming to help with the kids, cutting back your hours at work temporarily, asking your partner to do some extra things around the house – it might even be paying someone to help prepare meals or a house cleaner.

Asking for help might also involve seeking professional support from a counselor or psychologist. I’ve seen many over the years and as a social worker myself I see a lot of value in talking therapy. Often when things get to the point of feeling like burn out there’s usually more than one cause and it’s important to know what each contributing factor is so you can see the signs in advance in case there’s a ‘next time’.
Let me know below your go-to strategies to help when things get tough 👇🏻

Need help starting your essential oil journey? Head here!

What’s a monthly wellness box?

You are now loving your oils and wondering ‘what next?’. Going tox-free is something your passionate about, maybe a little DIY is on the cards, heck even switching up your perfume to natural based options you are down for.

One question I am often asked is “Kelly, I would like to get some oils for <insert common ailment> and some products to help with <insert common condition ie. oily skin>, whats the best way to do that”.

My response is always “babe – lets set you up with the Loyalty Rewards Program!”.

You see the Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) is the BEST way to grow your collection AND get the most out of your wholesale membership!! 

Enter the monthly wellness box aka fly buys for oils!

And so we are clear – there are no lock in contracts and you can cancel at any time! How cool is that? (but you won’t want to ‘cos you’ll be reaping freebies in no time!).


The coolest thing about the Loyalty Rewards Program is that you can literally purchase your personal items, get all your household cleaning sorted plus your perfume and earn points at the same time saving your health and your families health for generations. Heck you can even use your points to purchase bday/xmas gifts!

So what is the Loyalty Rewards Program – LRP?

The loyalty rewards program is your monthly wellness box. Delivered straight to your door.

You can choose the products and items you want every single month. You can even order as little or as much as you like. On orders over a certain amount you will then earn points back to spend on even more products. Cool huh?!


  1. All doTERRA oils have a PV which means the ‘product value’.
  2. When you create your first LRP order – and it is over 50pv –  you will receive 10% of that product value (pv) BACK into your office, in points. This will occur for months 1-3 that you are on the program and make orders over 50pv.
  3. Orders under 50pv you won’t earn points back but you will get 100% of your shipping BACK into your office, in points!
  4. Every 3 months that you spend 50PV the % that you earn BACK in points increase. So in months 1, 2 and 3 you make a 50PV order each month and earn 10% back in points. Then in month 4 your % will increase to 15% and so on so forth.

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What if you cant make a 50PV order? Totes ok! doTERRA only require you to make ANY order to maintain your points and your % level. Simply whip a lip balm in your cart and make a larger order the following month.

Don’t forget there are no lock ins and you can cancel at any time. 


Here’s a little sneak peak at ALL the oils I received for FREE last year from the Loyalty Rewards Program (and this doesn’t even include ALL the things I got using my points…) and this is all FREE just for buying for household cleaning, shampoo, perfume and skincare which I would do so anyway!


Fun facts about LRP

When you set up your LRP you choose a date to shop your cart monthly. This means you need to update your cart each month BEFORE your order ships to make sure you receive different products and oils each month. doTERRA even send you a reminder email prior to the shipping date in case you forget. Simple and bloody awesome I say!

When you spend over 125pv and your LRP ships between the 2nd and 15th of the month, you receive a FREE product from doTERRA called the ‘Product Of The Month’. This will be automatically shipped with your order and changes each month. These products are valued at $20 all the way to $50!

If you ever want to share doTERRA oils or create a business with them, then the ONLY overhead you have is to process a 100pv order monthly. If this is something you’re interested in, chat to the person who you got your oils through (or your nearest upline leader) and and they will help you out.

Where do I sign up?

Signing up to receive your monthly wellness box via LRP is super simple!

Login to your account.

Here’s a quick guide on how to create your first LRP.

You want to choose a date for your LRP to process. Remember if you make an LRP order between 2-15th and its over 125PV you will receive the Product of the Month FREE.

Add any oils or products and hit “save”.

Below is a super simple video – watch this and you’ll be set up in no time!

Extra quick links


Don’t have oils yet? Start here.

Winter Wellness Rollerblends

With winter here now is the time to get your potion making on so you have these super simple rollers at the ready.

Simply skip any oils not in your collection or add them to your next LRP!


5 OnGuard
5 Lemon
5 Frankincense
5 Tea Tree
5 Manuka (optional)

* layer Rose Touch over top
* apply soles of feet or along the spine


10 Ice Blue
5 Frankincense
5 Helicrysum


3 drops Oregano
3 Frankincense
3 Myrrh
3 Tea Tree
3 Douglas Fir
3 Basil
3 Hawaiian Sandalwood

* you could also simply add 3 drops of Oregano to a diluted roller of Salubelle 👌🏻
* alternate option – add 3 drops to the Immunity Blend


10 Tea Tree
5 EasyAir
5 Manuka

*roll over cheek bones, ear lobes and base of skull
*also apply DigestZen to bridge of nose


5 Lavender
5 Peppermint
5 Frankincense

* apply base of skull, on temples and ear lobes

🍃SNIFFLES (runny nose, congestion etc)

5 Peppermint
5 Easy Air
5 Lemon


Don’t have oils yet? Get them here!

Share below in the comments any fav winter blends of your own 👇🏻

I’ve got my oils now what? My top tools to support your oily journey

I love nothing else than seeing people create no-tox households and seek simple solutions that are effective yet totally harmless to our bodies, minds and homes.

I hate nothing more than essential oils collecting dust and sitting on ones shelf. 

My role as a doTERRA Leader and Wellness Advocate is to help guide and support my customers. To nurture them in their essential oil journey. In doing so its important that you have some simple tools ready at your finger tips, because as much as I love my customers, I ain’t gunna respond to a 1am message about ingrown hairs or fungal infections 😉

If you are part of my oily tribe you will get full access to me and also access to me and our team of leaders in our exclusive VIP facebook group. If you are on another team – thats awesome – reach out to the person who introduced you to the oils and see what support and resources they can tap you into also!

Tools and resources

Modern Essentials book/app

Modern Essentials is my go-to for physical ailments. Think headaches, warts, diarrohea you name it you’ll find an oil for it! This comes in a huge ass book but also a super convenient trust app! This app will set you back around $11 and is available on both Apple and Android.

Emotions and Essential Oils

If you are like me you will be keen to learn the emotional properties of the oils and delve into the ‘why’ when your drawn to particular bottles or blends. If so then do yourself a favour and grab the Emotions and Essential Oils Book. You can order via Diffusional and Aromatools

Another new fav emotions book of mine is “I am Fabulous” by Desiree Mangandog which you can access from the same above online stores.

Recipe Book for your Home Essentials Kit

Because I know that these oils are so versatile and can replace literally all your household and skincare items I have created a Recipe Book to help you gain the most from your oils, save you some cash and support you to get your DIY on! Why not grab some friends over and have a little DIY day (and I am always open to being invited!)

Get your Recipe Book here!

doTERRA eBooks

doTERRA have an entire suite of eBooks ranging from how to use oils, cooking with oils, oils and children, oils for fitness even essential oils and sleep! Access them here.Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at 8.52.53 pm.png

Empowered Life Series

Every month doTERRA runs a webinar on different topics. Access previous webinars here.Screen Shot 2018-07-02 at 8.49.47 pm


  1. Official doTERRA Australia A site that hosts trainings, event listings, news and information.
  2. Official dōTERRA Product Tips Blog An excellent place to learn about product promotions, product features or product success stories.
  3. Official dōTERRA Facebook Page The best place to connect with dōTERRA on Facebook, get product information, and to connect with dōTERRA product fans, friends and more.

  4. Official dōTERRA Tools Site An “all-in-one” site with downloadable Product Information Pages, Imagery, Product Presentations and more.

  5. Official dōTERRA YouTube Channel When dōTERRA creates a new “official” video, this is often the first place it is made available.

  6. Official dōTERRA Pinterest Page See how dōTERRA is being shared on Pinterest–get ideas on how to share dōTERRA, products, product uses and more!

  7. Official dō site. Designed for anyone who is curious about dōTERRA and wants a high-level overview of the company.

Setting up your monthly wellness box subscription

You are now loving your oils and wondering ‘what next?’. Going tox-free is something your passionate about, maybe a little DIY is on the cards, heck even switching up your perfume to natural based options you are down for.

One question I am often asked is “Kelly, I would like to get some oils for <insert common ailment> and some products to help with <insert common condition ie. oily skin>, whats the best way to do that”.

My response is always “babe – lets set you up with the Loyalty Rewards Program!”.

My top recommendations outside of the Home Essentials Kit are:

For more info on our Loyalty Rewards Program or details on how to set up your monthly wellness box (aka LRP) head here!


Cover image by @conscious_chloe

How to make epic chocolate with 3 simple ingredients

Yesterday morning I had the pleasure of teaching some mamas about how to safely use oils during pregnancy, labour, breastfeeding and also on their babes.

Because us mamas often forget to eat I whipped up some super simple snacks and lets face it, you can’t go past a bit of dark chocolate. Lets just say there wasn’t much left at the end of the class… (psssst. keep your eye out for my 2 ingredient quacamole!).

Dr Axe reports 7 awesome benefits to eating dark chocolate including:

  • protection from disease-causing free radicals
  • potential cancer prevention
  • improved heart health
  • good for overall cholesterol profile
  • better cognitive function
  • blood Pressure and blood sugar aid
  • antioxidant-rich superfood

I reckon thats a permission slip to have a square or two a day right? 😉

Just think, you could eat a piece of lavender infused choc before bed or a slice of peppermint for a morning boost … need I say more?


  • 1 – 2 blocks of organic dark chocolate
  • doTERRA essential oils*
  • coconut, chia seeds, nuts or rose petals for topping

*Please make sure if you are using essential oils in your food that are approved as food grade and are quality essential oils. I only use and trust doTERRA. You can purchase them here.


  • Pop some baking paper in a tin, container or over a dinner plate
  • Fill saucepan with 2 cups of water and bring to boil
  • Break up the chocolate into a glass bowl or saucepan and place over boiling water in saucepan until soft/melted
  • Once melted remove from steam
  • Add 2-6 drops of essential oil and stir through [hot tip* start with less and taste before adding more – thank me later ;)]
  • Pour into the container
  • Top with coconut, chia seeds, nuts, rose petals or whatever takes your fancy
  • Pop in fridge to set then cut up & serve!

I love to make up a big batch of different flavours and top with different toppings. Break up and pop in a container for late night bingeing 😉



Head to my page on ‘how to purchase’ to learn all about our starter kits and the best way to start your oily journey.

If you know what you want and want to skip ahead follows these steps:

Click this link:

•    Click Join and Save
•   Click Join
•    Choose the country and language that’s appropriate for you.
•    Click ‘Local.’
•    Choose Wholesale Customer
•    Enter your personal information
•    At *Enroller id* it should have my number if not enter 4036877
•    Then click verify (it should then show you my name – Kelly Hensley)
•    Set yourself up with a password
•    Click over to the next page
•    Select what enrollment kit you’d like to order (+ some fractionated coconut oil)
•    Enter your Credit Card details and process your order