All about Sandalwood

🍂 Sandalwood 🍂

Sandalwood trees are known as highly aromatic woods that can retain their fragrance for several decades. Sandalwood oil is taken from the core of the heartwood, or the oldest, most central wood of the tree. The heartwood of the tree is typically a darker and harder wood that produces an essential oil with a sweet, woody aroma.

After a long process of stripping, chipping, filtering, and distilling Sandalwood heartwood, Sandalwood essential oil is produced and used for its wide variety of uses and benefits.

Sandalwoods main chemical constituent is santalol, an alcohol that is known for its grounding effects. Aside from its grounding properties, the alcohol in Sandalwood is also known to beautify skin when used topically, and promote calm, relaxed feelings for a restful night’s sleep when used aromatically. There is a 90 percent concentration of santalol in Sandalwood essential oil—making it useful for skin, a restful sleep environment, and grounding emotions.

Due to both its sweet and woody notes, Sandalwood blends well with a variety of other oils. Blend with floral oils like Lavender, Jasmine, and Geranium; citrus oils like Bergamot or Grapefruit; or with warm, spicy oils like Frankincense.

Did you know we have two types of Sandalwood available for you to delight over? Both Hawaiian and Indian 😍

👉🏻Hawaiian Sandalwood

Commonly used for its aromatic benefits due its ability to enhance mood, lessen tension, and promote well-being. It has a honey-like wood fragrance. I personally love Hawaiian Sandalwood and find it really yummy and sweet. I love to mix in blends and perfume rollers.

👉🏻Indian Sandalwood

Commonly used for enhancing mood, promoting smooth skin, and providing grounding and uplifting feelings during meditation. I prefer Indian Sandalwood (which is sold as plain sandalwood) for meditation, diffuser blends and adding to my immune or skin blends.

Want to know more about the benefits of each Sandalwood?



If your ready to welcome Sandalwood into your life send me an email to to get started today.

My favourite oil for shedding physical & emotional pounds

>> Smart & Sassy <<

Now if you wanna drop a few pounds, curb 3pm sugar sessions or rid some dimples on those thighs then listen up…

Emotionally this blend is the oil of inner beauty. And that’s where it all begins right?

When we gain weight, overeat, or develop cellulite this often leads to feelings of low self worth. Whilst we can change our diet temporarily or take up a new fad it’s the reason for the weight gain that people often skim over.

I’m allllll about ever lasting change rather than quick fixes.

For me, it took years to realize I was unhealthy, had low self esteem, was looking external for sources of love self worth. It wasn’t til I started going inward that the weight began to drop. I had to find the cause for the overeating, the unhealthy choices, the lack of regular exercise.

Once I combined better choices with exercise and the inner work things shifted dramatically.

Often the emotional benefits of essential oils mirror the physical ones. Smart & Sassy yes is a blend designed to help hunger cravings, shift those wobbly bits and give that metabolism a kick start but emotionally, this little bottle is a pocket rocket.

It can help heal the wounds that led to the bodies physical weight in the first place.

Say what? Now it’s not a jeanie in a bottle, you gotta do the work but use it as a tool in your journey to support your practices and you might just suprise yourself!

This blend can support the release of those heavy emotions surrounding the physical and emotional pounds.

It can also assist in embracing the bodies natural beauty. Worthiness, self acceptance and confidence are feelings that this blend encourages one to find.

How to use:

•Add 1 drop to a glass of water each morning or throughout the day.

•Inhale throughout the day to help with cravings, either in diffuser jeweller or by cupping under the nose.

•Dilute 1-3 drops with carrier oil and massage over any areas of the body that need love and acceptance.

•Add a drop under the tongue to avoid the afternoon slump.

•Add 2-4 drops to a body scrub of coconut oil and sugar (equal parts) and apply over cellulite or areas of concern.


If you have Smary & Sassy in your oily kit but it’s collecting dust I challenge you to break the seal.


If your ready to get oils in your life then you’ll be stoked to know this oil comes as a bonus with your Essential Collection starter pack. Message me to orders yours or follow the instructions on my how to buy page.

**Note >> Use this blend in a way that works for you and that your comfortable with. If you do not like the taste of this blend or prefer not to use oils internally then simply apply to the body via roller or body massage, diffuse, or inhale as often as needed. Slim & Sassy Gum is available via the US Warehouse also.

Essential Oils that saved my bacon travelling with a toddler

Last week we spent around 12 days traveling to Sydney then New Zealand… this might not sound like much but it’s more than enough with a pint sized 2.5 year old.

Trying to pack and choose which oils to take was a tough decision & you might remember a late night switcheroo following a ‘sore tummy’ the night before we left. Next time I reckon i’ll book a bag just for oils 😂

Many things didn’t get used (thank goodness) but some got overused and this is why…


This oil is a deadset lifesaver! I never ever leave home without it. I recommend topping up your rollers before going. From a change in water to different foods we were all sporting sore tummies & runny bum! If you are travelling then this is the no.1 oil to pop in your natural medicine bag. You simply roll over your belly (every 1-2 hours or as needed) to help you feel comfortable, ache free and soothe any discomfort or nausea.

2️⃣On Guard

Think of this as your public transport germ killer! We took the hand sanitizing spray, a roller and a 2ml sample for diffusing/internal use. Apply to hands after using public loos or transport. Roll over feet and glands to support a robust immune system for kids and mamas! On Guard is a perfect daily preventative and less is more. You can also add 1 drop to a cup of warm milk for a chai or to a spoon of honey to soothe any irritations.


Hydration while travelling is so important. You might find you naturally increase caffeine and alcohol consumption – plus time spent travelling means extra toxins for your body to flush out. Sip on lemon in your water bottle, add to a bath with epsom salts or give your body a dry brush to help support detoxification of your skin and bodily organs. Also perfect for adding to spoons of honey for throat irritations, for fevers, focus and putting a smile on ya dial 😁

4️⃣Ice Blue

Holidays mean more walking… and in my place that means more carrying of pint sized 2.5 year old. Either make a roller before you go, pack the rub or better yet take both!!! Massage over hips, back, legs and shoulders are long days. Roll onto temples or neck to help with any tension. Roll over soles of the feet after big hikes or shopping trips. Perfect for hubbies too!


If you want to be calm as a cucumber, or need sleep then you want to make sure you have some Lavender in your bag. Drip on pillows or pjs. Roll onto temples and chest before bed. Add to baths. Mix with Balance or Peace for bedtime diffusing, any plane anxiety or heightened moods/emotions. Toddlers are going to need tonnes of support with changing environments, new time zones, and over stimulation. You can also massage over body as it doubles and can act as a repellant or soothe any bites/bumps/bruises.


A few times Logan woke in middle of night saying ‘mum, can’t breathe…’ and at first I didn’t know what to do. Thankfully I remembered I had EasyAir in the bag. Drip on pillow/pjs or add 1-2 drops to a diffuser to help open up the sinus and airways. You can also splash on shower screen morning and eve and the addition of the steam with help open up airways. EasyAir is also supportive at calming the body with each breath.


Rose is one of the most versatile oils and never strays far from my purse. Taking the queen was an easy choice! From perfume to lip balm to on-the-go moisturizer… it’s ready to roll so perfect to grab. Not to mention packs a mega punch in terms of immune support. Simply roll over glands, around ears & along the spine.

8️⃣Frankincense & Tea Tree

Ear combo this one! With multiple transport means, changes in altitude, airplanes, car trips & hiking these two applied daily around ears will keep anything at bay. Doubles as a general immune support & gentle for toddlers #winning

If you are yet to try essential oils and are ready to do so I have $107 worth of freebies up for grabs during the month of March only. You’ll also receive a welcome pack + ongoing oily education from me. Email me at and say ‘IM READY’.

Alternately, head to Buy Essential Oils and follow the instructions to purchase a Home Essentials Kit. Once you do i’ll get your goodies in the post.

If you already have a wholesale account you can stock up this month and nab an Ice Blue Rub and 5ml Oil totally free – all you need to do is place a 200+ point order in March. Login to your account to order!

Using essential oils to support your emotions

As a social worker, womens coach and natural health educator I get a tonne of questions about emotions and essential oils so I wanted to create a little something for you.

Ive pulled together some of my favourite info and popped it into a 3 part video series and the best part? It’s totally FREE for you to watch!

This will come delivered direct to your inbox over the course of a few days. This will give you time to soak in the info before moving on to the next.

You can go ahead and request access to watch here

IMG_4506Video One

This one is a goodie! I recorded this Live during on Online Class and this is where the insp came to make this into a 3 part series – ‘cos no-one wants to watch a 3 hour online class 😐

Video One will start to take you on a journey of your emotions, where they are stored, how they affect your cells and what we can do to release them.

We chat about emotions v beliefs and some simple techniques I use to help release them and how essential oils can aid the process. I also touch on where to apply oils and how you can choose oils to support you emotionally.

Video Two

Video Two will then move the journey into how essential oils work in the body and the difference between topical and aromatic application. I dive deep in how to use your intuition when blending and choosing oils and I also chat about the physical v emotional properties of oils.

Video Three

Video Three will take you through a journey of six incredible oils that make up the emotional aromatherapy range. These are my absolute go-to for emotions and a must have for any woman, mama, wife or human being!


Request access to watch here

Wanna know more about essential oils? Shoot me an email to book in a free 30 minute wellness consult to >>

Why you should dilute your essential oils


I bang on about dilution in all my classes and that’s for one reason.

It’s really important.

So what is dilution? It’s applying your essential oil with a carrier oil to help carry the oil into the body. Kind of like diluting your cordial – but it doesn’t impact the effectiveness or strength but also lessens the likelihood for sensitivity or a reaction.

Essential Oils are powerful plant extracts. 70-80 more potent than the real thing. Peppermint for example, 1 drop of @doterra is equivalent to 28 cups of tea! That’s a lot huh?!

So when you go to use them in your perfume, in your skincare, in your bath, on your sore muscles, for your headache, on your pimples, to help soothe a rash or burn, and all the things you use them for – it’s so so so important that you don’t use them neat on your skin.

And of course, just to add to the complexity, all oils aren’t created equal. No two oils are the same. So there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ in terms of strength. Some are gentler than others. Some are hot oils and some require higher dilution.

So what’s a good carrier oil and how do you dilute?

A good rule of thumb is 1 drop to a teaspoon of carrier oil, or a tablespoon for toodlers. Less is ALWAYS more.

Any carrier oil will do but my favourites are jojoba, macadamia, sweet almond and obviously fractionated coconut oil.

I never add more than 10-15 drops to a 10ml roller. Sometimes less depend on on which oils and what the roller is for. The best way is to use less and more often.

Be cautious of recipes that suggest you need 50-80 😱 Cut the amounts down and you can always add more.

If you have any questions please reach out. 💜

How to use essential oils to support BIG emotions


So many mamas are releasing their babies into the wild this week. Whether that brings sadness, joy, relief or a mixed bag of feelings don’t worry we’ve got you covered!

New transitions can be tough for both mama and their mini me. Think of the last time you started a new job… new colleague, new boss, trying to prove yourself whilst making friends – it can be daunting. So for them it’s even more complicated because they are little and their brains are still developing.

My go to oils for emotional support are:

✨ Easy Air – a respiratory blend which is a really soothing blend to help the breaths come both in and out. Perfect for easing anxious feelings. Drip on shirt collars, hankies or a diluted roller snuck into little ones bags.

✨ Frankincense – from the resin of the Boswellia tree an ancient oil used to soothe emotions. Helps to bring a sense of stillness and balance. Apply to soles of the feet, temples or behind the ears. Also perfect to help with focus and attention.

✨ Vetiver – another heavy calming oil to soothe heightened emotions. I love to mix with citrus oils like Orange or Bergamot. Add 5 drops each to a roller for little ones (or mamas) to roll in palms of their hands or over bellies to ease those confused hearts and minds.

✨ Peace – my mama go-to and personal fav. I keep a roller of this on me at ALL times. I use as ‘perfume’ and layer over wrists, temples, back of the next and along the spine. Perfect to also use at night before big transitions.

✨ Forgive – the emotional powerhouse. This one has the incredible ability to increase positive feelings and decrease negative ones lending itself for a perfect all rounded. Sniff all day long or mix with a citrus oil like Cheer or Citrus Bliss for an increased uplifting feeling.

Now repeat the mantra ‘i’ve got this, i’ve got this, i’ve got this’ and trust everything is as it should be.

If you need some oils to help with difficult transitions or school in general then do me a favour and grab yourself the Emotional Touch Kit. It comes with a free wholesale account & a personalised welcome gift from me.

Email me at or order online today!💕

Fertility & Emotions


A topic hot on my heart right now.

So much about pregnancy and the journey to motherhood remains taboo.

I say fuck that!

After spending the past couple days feeling 100% positive I was pregnant, only today to find out I am not I can honestly say i’ve spent the latter part of the day being a royal hot mess.

Now I know all about ‘staying quiet’. I grew up on a family who was the master of secrets. My grandmother couldn’t have children, my mother was adopted, my mother having experienced 9 miscarriages during her previous marriage… but I saw what staying quiet did to them.

We have to be brave and share our stories to empower the next generations.

Our thoughts, feelings and mental state matters.

A woman’s journey to motherhood is never perfect. 1 in 2 will experience a miscarriage. And many others worse.

I was blessed with my first born. We fell pregnant quickly, didn’t really try and my pregnancy was pretty much fine.

We couldn’t dream of being so lucky with a second…

With a shift working husband and a clingy toddler the time to make such things happen are rare to impossible. That’s not to even mention the fact that I only like my husband 5/7 days of the week, i’m always tired and sex is the FARTHEST thing from my mind 🤣 #hopehubbydoesntreadthis

So as I pop the ‘negative’ test in the bin I take a moment to think of all the other #soontobemamas and let go of all the emotions.

I know that it’s OK to feel sad, to feel let down, to want it to be real and so much more.

I dive into the pool and let the water wash over me. Like a cleansing of my aura, my emotions and my body.

I have lathered myself in a concoction of oils consisting of Rose, Geranium and doTERRA Console. I roll some doTERA Forgive over my heart and I gently breath and know that tomorrow it will all be ok.

If you need some help getting some natural tools to support your journey to motherhood or your emotions reach out via email to as I would love to help you Xx

Raising your Vibe – Life hacks for the Soul

After spending the last few months frustrated and overwhelmed at the ‘number’ of groups I was tapped into I knew something had to change.

I constantly felt called to share things but didn’t know where to share them…

FB Groups
If yes, which bloody one

So of course in stead of sharing just somewhere I didn’t share at all…

Yep – I let those feelings take over.

So I decided no more. And then it came to me.
A supergroup if you like, kinda life hacks for your soul.

You might land in the group because you are likely on a journey to shake things up a little…

This is perfect, and as with anything you are exactly where you need to be!

I plan to share my learnings that is (hopefully) gunna change your life bit by bit.

So how does one ‘raise their vibe’?

Our ‘vibe’ (vibration) can be affected by so many things. I will be sharing with you on all things daily wellness, living low-tox, scaling back your physical environment, emotional and mental health, self care, vitality, mindset mastery, and i’ll probably share some kick ass recipes and likely toss some oracle cards or crystals around the place too. Basically whatever I feel called to share!

There will be challenges and programs, as well as giveaways and offerings. You can participate or not. The choice is yours!

Please feel free to join add your friends if you think it will resonate with them. The more the merrier!

So who am I? I am a social worker, natural health educator and mama. I have been on a personal development journey for about 9 years now and I get kicks out of sharing what I know. I love seeing women step into their power, feel empowered and who are ready to rise into their next best version. I can’t wait to see that in you!


My all natural teething relief roller

Mr 2 has been a bit of a miserable bum this past week or so.

He’s had days where he has napped for 4 hours, the odd fever and dishing out plenty of snuggles.

We just assumed he was catching or fighting something off.

Thank gosh for oils!!

Then yesterday and today he’s been right off. Not sleeping and grumpy AF.

Todat he says ‘mummy sore’ as he had his finger in his mouth while pointing to his tooth. I was like ‘ah ha’!! His two year molars – finally!

His teething roller was almost empty so I grabbed some oils to top it up.

I chose:

:•:Frankincense for its soothing, calming and anti-inflammatory properties.

:•:Lavender to help calm and soothe.

:•:Copaiba for its anti-inflammatory properties and kick ass pain support.

:•:Helichrysm – the ‘oil of pain’.

:•:White Fir (or Siberian Fir) is gentle for little ones and supportive for both pain & inflammation.

:•:Roman Chamomile for its calming, soothing properties and supportive for pain/ear discomfort.

Add 1-3 drops of whichever oils resonate in a 10ml glass roller. Top with carrier oil. Roll along the cheek bones, jaw line and behind the ear bones. Apply every 2 hours or as needed.

Mamas if you would like natural solutions for your little babe/s either email or jump on over to my ‘how to buy‘ page and grab your first Home Essentials kit xx

My 3 must have essential oils for babies

I started using essential oils when my Mr 2 was just a few months old. As a new anxious mama I was desperate for support for both myself and also for him. I craved something natural that wouldn’t play havoc with his health or development.

It’s often as you become a parent/carer that you start to question the products we plan to put on our babies little bodies and what makes up those products. We can be ignorant when it comes to us but for them it’s like boom a huge slap in the face. I’m talking body wash, shampoo, nappy creme, vaseline, chest rub, baby wipes, body creme, teething gel, wind relief .. the list goes on!

Now despite what you may read on Dr Google our babes don’t need heavy oils and they certainly don’t need much of them at all. All essential oils aren’t created equal and so some will be more harsh on the skin than others.

The general rule of thumb is 1 drop of essential oil in a 10ml rollerball and fill with your favourite carrier oil. Or 1 drop to 2 teaspoons of carrier oil. Only 1 drop you say? Yep that’s all you need!

As they get older and you get more experienced and confident you can start to use your intuition – but the beauty about oils is you want small amounts frequently as the body will process them quickly unlike pharmaceuticals that can last for enourmous amounts of time with huge doses in a single go.

So my top three favourite oils for babies and young children are:
Tea Tree (Melaleuca)
Roman Chamomile


Lavender can be used for anything from belly aches, pain, teething, skin irritations, sleeplessness, discomfort, fevers etc. It’s an all rounder that’s gentle, soothing and calming to the body. It can also be used as a bug repellant and also to soothe bites. Add into any diaper cremes or wipes for soothing antibacterial support.

Roman Chamomile can also be used to support the body through many things including ear aches, fevers, teething, to soothe colic and to help calm crying bubbas. 1 drop is all you need as this oil is very powerful and potent despite it being know as a soft, gentle and calming oil!! You def don’t want to overload the diffuser with 4 drops!!

Tea Tree (or Melaleuca) – from the mother land! I am sure we have all been made to dab tea tree near on a cut or graze. Owies! It’s a gentle oil to support robust immune systems. Perfect to help our bubbas with coughs/colds, ear aches or even those viral lurgies!

If you need help working out how best to start your family living low tox send me an email to to book your free 30 minute consultation. Alternately if you are ready to dive in jump over to my instructions on how to purchase your first oils.